Dear Fellow Nurses

I know you're a Nurse who got into nursing because you wanted to make a difference. You wanted to help others and felt it was a calling more than a career.

Becoming a nurse was a dream you had since you were young and so when you became a nurse you were happy. All you wanted to do was to provide exceptional patient care, work for an organization that values you and enjoy your day offs with your friends and family.
Then after years of caring for countless patients and working the long hours.....

.... you started to notice that the work life balance you were dreaming of was quickly disappearing. You were tired and fatigued. Sometimes it was exhaustion. Not only did you lack energy but you felt like you had loss focus of your purpose. Then hoping to feel better you may have even changed jobs thinking the next job was going to be better, but once again you found yourselves dissatisfied and disillusioned.
Then... you find yourself thinking "Is there a better way?".
I know I did!
What if I told you that there is a better way!
Unfortunately, I also get the sense there are some roadblocks for you here, including figuring out how to Stay safe and healthy.
Working in the pandemic has not been easy.
The nursing shortages and the many uncertainties are other areas that you feel helpless about and you constantly ask yourself
"How can I enjoy what I do as a Nurse?”
Imagine, day's off from work without feeling tired, exhausted and overwhelmed. But rather you are experiencing feelings of happiness, contentment and relaxation. Spending more time with your family, performing self care and being fully present for the things that really matters. (How amazing that would be!)
My name is Audrey Boyce and I am a former Burnt-out Nurse who has found purpose and passion and can provide you with the tools, tactics, and strategies you need to have more energy, manage stress, and create a work-life balance.
At the 15 years mark of my career of being a nurse and raising a family I suffered from exhaustion, fatigued and my blood pressure was elevated. I had no work-life balance, I was spreading myself thin, not knowing when to say No and I neglected myself. Then it all came down!
After clocking out from my 7 PM-7 AM shift, I walked away from Nursing because I had to prioritize self-care.
I got a coach who supported and guided me to reconnect with myself. What I discovered was that I love being a Nurse. I learned how to create the work-life balance I was desiring. So after one year, I returned to Nursing with clarity and confidence in my true purpose.
After 30 years in Nursing, I developed a process that has helped many nurses.

My name is Lorna, and I am a Registered Nurse.
I needed clarity. Prior to coaching, I had taken a work sabbatical. I decided that maybe I could benefit from some coaching. I decided to reach out to you about your coaching service because I was burnout.
We spoke briefly and you explained more about the aspects of coaching and what to expect. I then made the decision to give it a try.
With each coaching session and with the use of your coaching tools; the trackers, questions and answers, journaling, and our discussions. It quickly became so clear to me that I had been on the right track!
Your coaching allowed me to confidently express and identify with my unique God-given gifts and talents. I continue to live out my passion with joy as I am impacting others and making a difference in their lives.
Thanks to your successful coaching service!

Radical Safe-care

Group Coaching
A combination of in-depth and detailed instruction and hands-on activities to help you understand the core concepts of mindfulness and how to make it practical and relevant for your lifestyle.
Group coaching sessions meeting 60 minutes once a week for 6 weeks.
Experiential activities to help foster problem solving, experimentation, curiosity, and creativity in a safe and supportive community.
Access to workbooks and templates.
A 30-minute 1:1 coaching session.
Radical Self-care is the assertion that you have the responsibility to take care of yourself first before attempting to take care of others.
It’s necessary to fill your cup first, then to give to others from the overflow. This is what gives you the capacity to heal and to move forward into your next chapter of life
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Frequent Questions and Answers
1. What is Group Coaching?
Group coaching is when a coach takes a group of individuals through a coaching journey together to achieve the desired outcome.
There's incredible energy and collective wisdom when doing group coaching that's different from 1:1 sessions, and it's this energy and insight that can rapidly get you to your goals.
2. Do you have a guarantee?
No one can guarantee a person's specific results from coaching, but I guarantee your satisfaction with the coaching process. If you're not content with the direction of coaching, please let me know, and we'll take the steps needed to return power to the coaching relationship. Your openness about what you want for your life and coaching is vital to our continuing success.
3. Is the Group Coaching program refundable?
There is a 100 % refund 24 hours before the first day of class. Once you have started the program, it is non refundable due to the level of confidentiality and intellectual properties that go into preparing and designing a group coaching program. If you cannot attend the program you signed up for, you have the option of attending another cohort within one year.
4. Is Group Coaching the same as Mastermind Group?
A group coaching program has content, structure, curriculum, and coaching from the person facilitating the program.
A mastermind has no content. The coach is a facilitator; the one who attracts the right people into the group.
5. How many people will be in the Group Coaching program?
It's about the connection, communication, and community that comes from you interacting with the coach and other group participants. For that reason the numbers do range from 4- 10 participants in each group.
Next Group Coaching Begins January 09, 2024